New Chapter for the Skittles is Starting… Dark Skittles!
Have you been following the Clues throughout October?
If so, you’ve seen the Final Clue with the announcement of the Dark Skittles!
What are Dark Skittles? They are just like the Skittles we’ve all known and loved except instead of having white as a secondary color, the dark skittles will have black as a secondary color.
How do you join the Dark Skittles? Well, we are going to do it in Phases..
Phase One:
We will have various events and socials where we will be offering the chance to win a Dark Skittles Invitation. Also, during Phase One, only Skittles who are members may earn an Invitation and it can only be used to change them to the same color they are in Skittles to Dark Skittles. This will open up your previous Skittles color for a new user to join the Skittles.
Phase Two:
During this Phase, we will still have various events and socials to win a Dark Skittles Invitation. Skittles Members will be able to use their Invitations they’ve won if they have held onto it or win one during it to transfer to any color of the Dark Skittles that is available.
Phase Three:
Afterwards, recruitment into the Dark Skittles will be open enrollment like the Skittles.
*Note: If you decide to use the Dark Skittles Invitation, this will count as a Transfer, which are now being restricted to only being eligible to transfer every 6 months. So, if you decide to transfer in Phase One, you may not be eligible to transfer in Phase Two.