"I'll have a blue Christmas Without you, I'll be so blue just thinking about you"
Thought I'd start off with those lyrics from a Christmas Song... we are starting to see a lot of Blue tiles in the Skittles Headquarters! Some of you we haven't seen in a while and would love for you to stop by sometime!
Please start participating in various events whether it be a skittles game night, movie night or just to pop in and say hello! We're always on discord as well so the occasional "Howdy" is always welcomed.
Pink Lemonade - Stojbot
Sweet Salmi - X0pop.tart.0x
Hot Fire - xQueenAurora
Raspberry - AmySkates…
Ruby - Cyrlne
Sangrio - Father__
Aurantiaco - Xenophyl
Queen Bee - Gummie,Bearsx
Wavy Navy - bballplyer69
Dream Cream - Blackmama1.4
Seafoam - Thirstee
Paris - Ben63395
Shine Like Pine - Pine
Moss Boss - Jomich
Lame Mint - IcyBlue
Blueberry - Nelps
Azurie - Nomkins
Skylight - -NPCC-
Blaue Blitze - Oxus
Plumpy Plum - Francyismeh
Crimson Roll Tide - Min-nim
Berry Blaster - Jade-girlox
Thistle Whistle - Razzing
Lavender - VintageLove:.
We will review each Skittle listed above. If we don't see any new activity from the Skittles above they may become "Expired Skittles" and their colors may become available for new Skittles.
Blue Skadoo